Wander Over Yonder

Wander Over Yonder is an American animated television comedy Disney Channel Original Series produced by Disney Television Animation for Disney Channel. The series previewed on August 16, 2013, and officially premiered on September 13, 2013. It moved to Disney XD on March 31, 2014, but began airing on Fridays on Disney Channel again from July 11, 2014 onwards, but currently only airing on certain Fridays, so far only part of the "Disney XD on Disney Channel" block.

The series follows Wander and his tough but loyal steed Sylvia traveling from earth to a planet helping people have fun and live free, all against Lord Hater and his army of Watchdogs' evil reign led by Commander Peepers, Lord Hater's #1 henchman.


The First Season of Wander Over Yonder officially premiered on September 13, 2013, on Disney Channel, but a first-look aired on August 16th.On Friday, August 30, 2013, Wander Over Yonder season premiere episodes, "The Greatest" and "The Egg", became available on iTunes as a Free Preview in advance of the series' premiere on Disney Channel.

On March 31, 2014, the series was moved from Disney Channel to aired on Disney XD with the episodes, "The Hero" and "The Birthday Boy", similar to Season 2 of Phineas and Ferb.

The series returned to Disney Channel on July 11, 2014 currently airing in syndication as part of the channel's "Disney XD on Disney Channel" block.

Season 1 consists of 39 full episodes, which are made up of 36 with 11-minutes episodes and 3 with 22-minutes episodes. Production began in mid 2012 and ended on August 15, 2014. The season concluded on December 4, 2014 with the special Christmas episode, "The Gift".

Title Airdate Aired On Production
1 "The Picnic" August 16, 2013 Disney Channel 102a
2 "The Greatest" September 13, 2013 Disney Channel 101a
3 "The Egg" September 13, 2013 Disney Channel 101b
4 "The Fugitives" September 21, 2013 Disney Channel 102b
5 "The Good Deed" September 27, 2013 Disney Channel 103a
6 "The Pet" October 4, 2013 Disney Channel 104
7 "The Prisoner" October 11, 2013 Disney Channel 103b
8 "The Bad Guy" October 18, 2013 Disney Channel 105a
9 "The Troll" November 1, 2013 Disney Channel 105b
10 "The Box" November 15, 2013 Disney Channel 106a
11 "The Hat" November 22, 2013 Disney Channel 106b
12 "The Little Guy" December 6, 2013 Disney Channel 107
13 "The Ball" January 10, 2014 Disney Channel 108b
14 "The Bounty" January 24, 2014 Disney Channel 108a
15 "The Hero" March 31, 2014 Disney XD 109a
16 "The Birthday Boy" March 31, 2014 Disney XD 109b
17 "The Nice Guy" June 10, 2014 Disney XD 110a
18 "The Time Bomb" June 10, 2014 Disney XD 110b
19 "The Tourist" June 11, 2014 Disney XD 111b
20 "The Day" June 16, 2014 Disney XD 112a
21 "The Night" June 16, 2014 Disney XD 112b
22 "The Lonely Planet" June 17, 2014 Disney XD 113a
23 "The Brainstorm" June 17, 2014 Disney XD 113b
24 "The Toddler" June 23, 2014 Disney XD 114b
25 "The Fancy Party" June 24, 2014 Disney XD 111a
26 "The Epic Quest of Unfathomable Difficulty!!!" June 30, 2014 Disney XD 115a
27 "The Void" June 30, 2014 Disney XD 115b
28 "The Party Animal" July 19, 2014 Disney XD 114a
29 "The Gift 2: The Giftening" October 4, 2014 Disney Channel 119a
30 "The Date" October 17, 2014 Disney XD 116a
31 "The Buddies" October 17, 2014 Disney XD 116b
32 "The Liar" November 7, 2014 Disney XD 117a
33 "The Stray" November 7, 2014 Disney XD 117b
34 "The Big Job" November 14, 2014 Disney XD 120a
35 "The Helper" November 14, 2014 Disney XD 120b
36 "The Funk" November 25, 2014 Disney XD 116a
37 "The Enemies" November 25, 2014 Disney XD 116b
38 "The Rider" November 28, 2014 Disney XD 121
39 "The Gift" December 4, 2014 Disney XD 119b


On July 7, 2015, McCracken announced on his Tumblr that beginning July 20th on Disney XD, the Watch Disney XD app, and on YouTube, 11 one-minute Wander shorts will premiere leading up to the season premiere.
According to a press release, "In the shorts, Lord Hater finally captures Wander and interrupts all broadcasts across the galaxy in an effort to destroy him live on air, but is comically thwarted each time".

Title Airdate Aired On Production
1 "The First Take" July 20, 2015 Disney XD ???
2 "The Smile" July 21, 2015 Disney XD ???
3 "The Killjoy" July 22, 2015 Disney XD ???
4 "The Theme Song" July 23, 2015 Disney XD ???
5 "The Bathroom Break" July 24, 2015 Disney XD ???
6 "The Planetary Conqueror" July 27, 2015 Disney XD ???
7 "The Sharpshooter" July 28, 2015 Disney XD ???
8 "The Glitch" July 29, 2015 Disney XD ???
9 "The Caller" July 30, 2015 Disney XD ???
10 "The Whatever" July 31, 2015 Disney XD ???
11 "The Big Finish" August 3, 2015 Disney XD ???


The Second Season of Wander Over Yonder was renewed by Disney. A Disney Television Animation press release on June 23, 2014 announced that a second season had been ordered. Craig McCracken says that the series has been renewed for a second season in February but that he couldn't mention it before it was made official.

This season will also introduce a new villain who will rival Lord Hater as the greatest in the galaxy. The silhouette of this character can be seen in the promotional photo on the right.

Season 2 consists of 40 full episodes, which are made up of 36 with 11-minutes episodes and 4 22-minute episodes. One of the 4 22-minute episodes will be a musical. The musical is expected to premiere sometime in 2016.

Title Airdate Aired On Production
40 "The Greater Hater" August 3, 2015 Disney XD 201
41 "The Big Day" August 10, 2015 Disney XD 202a
42 "The Breakfast" August 10, 2015 Disney XD 202b
43 "The Fremergency Fronfract" August 17, 2015 Disney XD 203a
44 "The Boy Wander" August 17, 2015 Disney XD 203b
45 "The Wanders" August 31, 2015 Disney XD 204a
46 "The Axe" August 31, 2015 Disney XD 204b
47 "The Loose Screw" September 28, 2015 Disney XD 205a
48 "The It" September 28, 2015 Disney XD 205b
49 "The Cool Guy" October 5, 2015 Disney XD 206a
50 "The Catastrophe" October 5, 2015 Disney XD 206b
51 "The Rager" October 19, 2015 Disney XD 207b
52 "The Good Bad Guy" October 19, 2015 Disney XD 207b
53 "The Battle Royale" October 26, 2015 Disney XD 208
54 "The Matchmaker" November 9, 2015 Disney XD 209a
55 "The New Toy" November 9, 2015 Disney XD 209b
56 "The Black Cube" November 16, 2015 Disney XD 210a
57 "The Eye on the Skullship" November 16, 2015 Disney XD 210b
58 "The Secret Planet" January 25, 2016 Disney XD 211a
59 "The Bad Hatter" January 25, 2016 Disney XD 211b
60 "The Hole...Lotta Nuthin'" February 1, 2016 Disney XD 212a
61 "The Show Stopper" February 1, 2016 Disney XD 212b
62 "The Cartoon" February 8, 2016 Disney XD 213a
63 "The Bot" February 8, 2016 Disney XD 213b
64 "The Family Reunion" February 22, 2016 Disney XD 214a
65 "The Rival" February 22, 2016 Disney XD 214b
66 "My Fair Hatey" February 29, 2016 Disney XD 215
67 "The Legend" March 7, 2016 Disney XD 216a
68 "The Bad Neighbors" March 7, 2016 Disney XD 216b
69 "The Party Poopers" April 4, 2016 Disney XD 217a
70 "The Waste of Time" April 11, 2016 Disney XD 217b
71 "The Hot Shot" May 30, 2016 Disney XD 218a
72 "The Night Out" May 30, 2016 Disney XD 218b
73 "The Search for Captain Tim" June 6, 2016 Disney XD 219a
74 "The Heebie Jeebies" June 6, 2016 Disney XD 219b
75 "The Sick Day" June 13, 2016 Disney XD 220a
76 "The Sky Guy" June 13, 2016 Disney XD 220b
77 "The Robomechabotatron" June 20, 2016 Disney XD 221a
78 "The Flower" June 20, 2016 Disney XD 221b
79 "The End of the Galaxy" June 27, 2016 Disney XD 222